By definition phytomedicines are therapeutics based only on plant material, either from the complete plant or extracts, used for treatment purposes. A reason for the strong market growth of phytomedicines observed in the last decades is the change in health environmental.
Phytotherapy bridges the gap between based complementary medicine and the highly scientific conventional medicine. This link is best established in the European medical community. In Asia both therapeutic forms, complementary and conventional medicine, are practiced in parallel. In the U.S complementary medicine and conventional medicine are far apart and regarded by both sides as "enemies".
Phytomedicines cover a broad range of different indications and are classified in categories. The largest proportion is spent on herbal drugs influencing the cardiovascular system, followed by the respiratory system and for the gastro-intestinal system.
In the past the situation in Europe differed as to the registration status of phytomedicines. According to EU directive 65/65 phyto-medicines are treated as drugs. Registrations based on quality, safety, and efficacy will be needed. The temptation for search of new exotic species and their introduction them on the market is very high. Preparation of the dossier, regarding safety and clinical evidence, is difficult. Preparation of more and more potent extracts containing higher levels of active ingredients is a common goal for all manufacturers.
Modern technology leads to a better laboratory control of identity, purity and quantitative assay of the registrated drug. Additional information must be provided on tests, pharmacokinetics and interaction with other drugs. This search leads to more active medicines. Supercritical fluid extraction is a method of major interest; this new manufacturing process is applied to obtain new types of extracts, who must be considered as new products. New issues to be defined are well established use and acceptable safety.