Diabetes mellitus is one of the most important problems of human health. The folk medicine and specialized literature data recomand using plants as antidiabetic remedy. One of them is Momordica charantia L.(Cucurbitaceae) known as karela, bitter gourd, bitter melon, balsam pear [1-3]. It has been brought to Romania from Nepal and cultivated at the Research Station of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants-Fundulea.
This paper presents the results of our researches regarding the obtaining and the analytical characterization of an extract from unripe dried fruits of Momordica and also its pharmacological actions.
By TLC method there were identified: amino acids, saponosides, sterols, poly-phenolic compounds.
The content of total nitrogen (1.4%), sterols (22% - expressed in b-sitosterol), microelements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr) was also determined.
The extract was tested and showed hypoglycaemic effect in normal rats, antihyperglycaemic effect in rats with experimental induced hyperglycaemia by adrenaline and alloxan, hypolipaemic, hypocholesterolaemic, hepatoprotective and antibacterial activity.
Hypoglycaemic tablets containing 0.42g extract each had been obtained.