The factorial trials with four chamomile cultivars were conducted during 1998 and 1999. Effects of planting date (autumn and spring), planting mode (freehand and in rows) and seed quantity (two and four kg·ha-1) on head flowers and essential oil yield was investigated. Variance analysis of two-year trial showed very significant effect of planting date and cultivar on heads flowers and essential oil yield. Interaction between planting date and Cultivar as well as planting date and trial variants showed significant effect. Seed quantities and planting modes did not affect the changes in the investigated traits. Heads flowers average yields were 782 kg·ha-1 in autumn planting and 682 kg·ha-1 in spring planting. In accordance with flowers yield, essential oil yields in autumn and spring plantings were 4.47 and 3.49 kg·ha-1, respectively. Lutea produced more essential oil when planted in autumn, while yields were very uniform when planting was in spring. Heads flowers and essential oil yields were by 20% higher in autumn planting.