
Jovan Bogdanović, Jeremija Simić and Milutin Đorović
Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University, Nemanjina 6, 11080 Belgrade-Zemun, FR Yugoslavia

Among 3500 plant species present on the territory of Serbia, large number of them have medicinal and aromatic properties. Favorable natural conditions made decisive contribution to existing diversity of these plants. However, available potential of these plants is still insufficiently used in the development of economy, because of increased market demands.

On the bases of acquired experiences, available natural conditions, actual market demands, achievements in science and technology, number of educated personnel of different profiles, and other conditions, appears that optimal economical conditions for the widening and promotion of medicinal and aromatic plant production in Serbia are present.

Created economic and development possibilities for production of medicinal and aromatic plants based raw materials make possible to develop processing of such materials on the wider base. This requires increasing of processing capacities, as well as processing diversification and production of products requiring higher stages of finalization.

During the implementation of economic aims of production of medicinal and aromatic plants, process of activation of available private farm capacities is very important. In this article alternative programs of medicinal plant production on private farms have been reconsidered in details, in relation with their available conditions (quality and specificity of land, available manpower, etc.). Subsequently, this article recognizes cooperative movement development, as institutional base for urge implementation of effective professional services for medicinal plant production improvement on such farms.

In this article, study and work out of measures of economic and agrarian politics for inducement of spreading and improvement of medicinal and aromatic plant production have been given for all specific ecological regions.

For direction of economic processes for improvement of medicinal and aromatic plant production, this article recognizes possibilities of applying international ecological standard ISO 14000 and ISO 9000 as a base for quality assurance, according to requirements given by world market.

Keywords: medicinal plants, plant products, economic measures, ISO standards.

[Full paper: NA]