Ginko biloba is the oldest living plant originated 250-300 million years ago. Since natural range of spreading is China, it is not suprising that first knowledge about its use for medicinal purposes comes from that region. Ginkgo trees grow very well under our environmental conditions. Since it is dioecious, it is not easy to secure normal numerical relationship between female and male individuals, so in order to provide regularity, the best genotypes should be vegetatively propagated. Vegetative propagation is even more emphasized by the fact that for urban needs, more male trees should be produced, do to unpleasant smell of fruits. In this paper we presented our attempt to use winter cuttings for rooting.
Using this technique of vegetative reproduction is possible to produce genotypes distinguished by large leaves production. Rooted cuttings can be used for establishment of specialised plantations for production of raw material-leaves for pharmaceutical industry. This is significant since a kilo of dry leaves has rather high international market price, in some instances over 100 dollars.
Key words: Ginkgo, rooting, winter cuttings, hormone rooting powder.