Three successive fenugreek seed fractions of 2.2-2.5 mm, 1.6-2.2 mm and 1.2-1.6 mm, were analysed. Germination, 1000-seed weight and the lengths of both, radicles and seedlings were observed under laboratory conditions. A very significant difference was determined between the largest and medium large seed fractions and small seed fraction for 1000-seed weight. Seedlings of medium large and small seed fractions were reliably the longest.
Key words: fenugreek, seed fraction, quality.
Germination is a principal parameter of seed viability. Moreover, seed utilisation depends, to a great extent, on germination. This physiological and agronomic parameter also expresses other seed traits. Besides, germinated seed provides a possibility for the development of seedlings, then plants, which will establish the most favourable stand and uniform crop in the field that should lead to stable and high yield and quality (Sarić, 1957).
Although, seed quality is, first of all, a hereditary property, studies of various plant species point out that seed quality can also be affected by agroecological conditions, applied cropping practices, quality of seed crop approbation, quality of operations in processing, storing, conserving, etc. (Dražić, 1997, 1998, Dražić and Jevđović, 1997).
Fenugreek anthesis (April-June) and seed maturation are uneven and affect qualitative seed properties.
Since certain seed fractions can have different planting qualities, the aim of the present study was to observe and determine the fractions with the best planting qualities.
The experiment was carried out in the Seed Testing Laboratory of the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić", Belgrade. The seed of the variety Domaća was used as the experimental material. Three fenugreek seed fractions were separated by sieves with rectangular (cut) holes (Ujević, 1988).
The observations were performed in accordance with I(nternational) S(eed) T(esting) A(ssociation) Rules. Basic parameters of seed quality were used in the study, so as to have insight into the state of tested seed.
After the analysis, the fundamental statistical parameters, means ()
and coefficient of variation (CV), were estimated. Obtained results were
statistically processed by the method of analysis of variance (Hadživuković,
The seed size is an essential property by which seed is graded. It is modified under effects of growing conditions and seed maturity. Variability of this property represents the economic interest from the aspect of organisation of grading and quality evaluation. The seed size is not just a physical, but it is also, a biological property that affects biological seed traits and seedling development, as well as, plant yield (Jevtić, 1992).
Table 1. presents the percentage distribution of seed fractions in the analysed sample. The most distributed small seed fraction (1.6-2.2 mm) with 42% was followed by the medium large seed fraction (35%) and the large seed fraction (23%).
Since the national rules do not encompass standards for marketing fenugreek seed, Table 2 shows the physical properties of quality presented by Heeger (1956).
Gained results of observed germination show that obtained values do not differ from one another (Table 3). Germination viability did not significantly differ over observed seed fractions and ranged from 65% to 67%. The greatest variability of germination viability was detected in the medium large seed fraction.
Similarly to values of germination viability, there were no significant differences for seed germination of observed fractions and germination values ranged from 68% (large and medium large seed) to 70% (small seed). Variability of germination was not so great in observed seed fractions.
The larger seed was, the greater absolute weight was. Obtained differences of 4.5, i.e. 3.1 grams between large and small seed fraction, i.e. medium large and small seed fraction, respectively, were statistically justifiable at the 0.01 probability level (Table 3).
The fraction with a greater 1000-seed weight did not have the developed radicle. The greatest average radicle length (3.4 cm) was detected in the medium large seed fraction, while the smallest average radicle length (2.6 cm) was detected in the large seed fraction and it varied the most. Differences in the radicle length among seed fractions were not statistically significant and this information is in accordance with literature data pertaining to some other plant species (Milošević and Ćirović, 1994, Dražić, 1998).
The smaller seed fraction was, the longer radicle was. The longest, i.e. shortest, radicle was detected in small, i.e. large seed fraction, respectively. Although variability of this trait was greater than variability of other traits, it still was close to it. Differences among fractions significantly affected the seedling length.
(mm) |
(%) |
(cm) |
(cm) |
0.01 |
The present study point out to the fact that fenugreek seed size differently affected quality expression. A larger seed is characterised by a greater 1000-seed weight, while a smaller seed was characterised by a longer seedling. Germination viability, germination and radicle length were uniform in all three studied fractions.
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Dražić S. (1998): Ispitivanje kvaliteta frakcija semena žalfije ( S. officinalis L.), Selekcija i semenarstvo, 3-4, 61-65.
Hadživuković S. (1977): Planiranje eksperimenata, 47-58, Privredni pregled, Beograd.
Heeger F.E. (1956): Salvia-species, 626-634, Handbuch des Arzneigewurpflanzenbaues Drogengewinnung, Leipzig, DDR.
International Seed Testing Association, ISTA, (1999), Seed Sci. Technol., Vol., 27, Supplement, pp. 182, Zurich, Switzerland.
Jevtić S. (1992): Biologija i proizvodnja semena ratarskih kultura, 50-60, NK Beograd.
Milošević M., Ćirović M. (1994): Seme, 183-188, Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad.
Sarić M. (1957): Uticaj semena iz različitih faza ontogenetskog razvića, njegovih fizičkih osobina i nekih spoljnih faktora na rast i razviće strnih žita, doktorska disertacija, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd - Zemun.
Ujević A. (1988): Tehnologija dorade i čuvanje sjemena, 173-174, Zagreb.